ABAC 3.6 – Substantive Change (changes to programs, instructional sites, etc.)
As a condition of membership, institutions accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) have responsibility for compliance with the Commission's substantive change procedures and policy {Comprehensive Standard 3.12). Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College is committed to ensuring that the institution meets that standard and all policies embedded therein. The following policies and procedures have been adopted by the institution to provide a framework for monitoring compliance.
1.0 Responsibility for Monitoring Substantive Change
The Provost's Office and the deans, in the ABAC SACSCOC Liaison, are charged with the responsibility of monitoring compliance with SACSCOC substantive change. As part of that responsibility the Provost has in place policies and procedures that monitor ongoing compliance with all substantive changes identified by SACSCOC and enumerated below. Any institutional change enacted, as outlined below, is submitted to the Provost for review and prior approval, as required. Once approved, the ABAC's SACSCOC Liaison ensures the proper submission to SACSCOC.
There are three different types of review by SACSCOC depending on the nature of the proposed substantive change. Procedure One items require approval prior to implementation. Procedure Two items require notification prior to implementation. Procedure Three pertains to closing a program, instructional site, institution or branch campuses, teach-out plans, and teach-out agreements. These activities require prior approval.
2.0 Procedure One Substantive Change Guidelines
All Procedure One Substantive Change requires prior approval from SACSCOC.
2.1 Initiating Coursework, Certificates, of Programs of Study at a Different Level than Those Previously Approved by SACSCOC
ABAC is currently authorized by SACSCOC as a Level II institution to offer degree programs at the associate and baccalaureate levels. Should a unit of ABAC seek to offer a program beyond the baccalaureate level, it would be required to obtain internal approvals, including initial review by the Provost as well as approval by the college. Once internal approvals have been granted, the institution would seek authorization from the University System of Georgia {USG). Once those approvals are granted, an Application for Members Seeking Accreditation at a Higher Degree Level is completed under the supervision of the Provost. The college president submits the application to SACSCOC. Prior approval by SACSCOC is required before initiation of the program.
2.2 Initiating Certificate Programs for Workforce Development
Proposals to initiate certificate programs for workforce development are submitted by the ABAC unit proposing the program to the Provost for monitoring and initial review. Proposals are required to obtain internal approvals and USG approval where required. The college president submits the request to SACSCOC. Prior approval is required, regardless of where the workforce training request originates and whether it is on campus or at a worksite.
2.3 Initiating Other Certificate Programs
Certificate programs offered at a new (unapproved) site or in a curricular area that is a significant departure from previously approved programs must be reviewed and approved in advance by SACSCOC. Offering previously approved certificate programs at an unapproved off-campus site requires SACSCOC approval of the site prior to implementation. Certificate programs that are an extension of existing academic programs already approved (drawn from the existing approved curriculum for a degree program) do not require SACSCOC approval. Proposals for new certificate programs at ABAC are submitted for review and approval, the same as any other new academic initiative. The certificate program will be reviewed by the Provost and Deans, in consultation with the ABAC SACSCOC Liaison, to determine if submission to SACSCOC is required per the substantive change policy. If so, the college president submits the proposal to SACSCOC.
2.4 Initiating an Off-Campus (additional) site (site-based classroom/group instruction) at Which Students Can Earn at least 50% of the Credits Toward an Educational Program
Should ABAC seek to establish an off-campus site whereby at least 50% of the credits are offered, the proposal must receive initial review through submission to the Provost and deans. This includes initiating off-campus sites such as early college and dual enrollment programs offered at a high school. (SACSCOC considers any location where students must be present on-site to receive instruction as an off-campus instructional site, even if the instruction is provided via distance delivery.) Assuming internal approvals are granted through the college and external approval is obtained from the USG, the required prospectus will be prepared by the unit planning to offer programs at the site. It will be reviewed by Provost and deans in collaboration with the SACSCOC Liaison. The college president then submits the full prospectus to SACSCOC. Once ABAC is approved to offer a program at three or more sites, a modified prospectus is allowed. Off-campus sites are reviewed by SACSCOC every five years, either in the context of the fifth-year or the decennial review.
2.5 Initiating Degree Completion Programs
Should ABAC seek to establish a degree completion program, the request for the program must first be reviewed by the Provost and deans and gain internal approval through the college and through external approval by the USG. The unit seeking to offer the program would then be required to prepare a full prospectus. The prospectus would be reviewed by the PROVOST AND DEANS and by the ABAC SACSCOC Liaison prior to submission to SACSCOC by the college president.
2.6 Initiating a Branch Campus
SACSCOC defines a branch campus as including four items: (1) permanent in nature, (2) offers courses in educational programs leading to a degree, (3) has its own faculty and administrative organization, and (4) has its own budgetary and hiring authority. Should ABAC seek to create a campus that includes these criteria, the proposal would first be submitted to the Provost and deans for monitoring and initial review. The new campus would then be subject to internal approval by the college, and also external approval by the USG. A full prospectus would be developed under the auspices of the Provost and in collaboration with the ABAC SACSCOC Liaison. The college president would then submit the prospectus to SACSCOC.
2.7 Initiating Distance Learning or Correspondence Courses and Programs by Which Students Can Earn at Least 50% of a Program's Credits through Delivery in a Format Other than Face-to-Face
This is applicable in cases where the academic program is a significant departure from current approved offerings. In such a case the program would need the same internal and external approvals required for face-to-face courses and the submission of a prospectus for SACSCOC approval prior to implementation. The Provost and deans are responsible for monitoring DL instruction for all programs to ensure quality and to ensure SACSCOC compliance. The college must demonstrate that a student who registers for a distance learning course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the academic credit. Means of verification could include a secure login and pass code, proctored examinations, or other technologies and practices that are effective in verifying student identification. Processes used to verify student identity must also protect student privacy.
2.8 Expanding at the Institution's Current Degree Level
Should ABAC decide to pursue academic programs that are a significant departure from currently approved offerings such action is considered a substantive change by SACSCOC requiring advance approval. An example provided by SACSCOC is the creation of a master's degree in nursing when current offerings include only degree programs in education. As new program proposals are created and submitted, they will receive initial review from the Provost and deans for monitoring purposes. If such proposals gain internal approvals and external approval through the USG and are considered by the Provost and deans (in consultation with the ABAC SACSCOC Liaison) to be a significant departure, a proposal will be developed requesting approval. The college president would then submit the proposal to SACSCOC.
2.9 Initiating a Significant Change in the Established Mission of the Institution
Any change in mission that leads to a fundamental shift in the nature of the institution must be approved by SACSCOC. Proposals for such receive initial review for monitoring purposes by the Provost. The change in mission must be approved by the college. Following college approval, the college president submits a request to SACSCOC for approval of the mission change. Editorial changes to the college's mission statement are not considered to be a substantive change and need not be submitted to SACSCOC.
2.10 Changing from Clock Hours to Credit Hours
Such actions are considered a substantive change by SACSCOC and must receive prior approval. ABAC currently uses credit hours so this policy is not applicable.
2.11 Changing Significantly the Length of a Program, Substantially Increasing or Decreasing the Number of Clock or Credit Hours Awarded for Successful Completion of a Program Proposals to increase or decrease the number of credit hours required for a program receive initial review by the Provost and deans and then go forward for college approval. In such cases the Provost will determine, in consultation with the ABAC SACSCOC Liaison, if the increase constitutes a substantive change as defined in SACSCOC guidelines. If so, the college president submits a request to SACSCOC for approval of the change.
2.12 Initiating a Direct Assessment Competency-Based Program
If a unit of ABAC seeks to initiate a direct assessment competency-based program or a hybrid direct assessment competency-based program it would be required to obtain internal approvals, including initial review by the Provost and deans as well as approval by the college. Once internal approvals have been granted, the institution would seek approval from the USG. Such proposals would be governed by the SACSCOC policy "Direct Assessment Competency-Based Educational Programs." The Provost and deans would monitor the development of such programs. The college president must provide notification to SACSCOC when the institution begins to offer a direct assessment program in which a student can earn 25 percent of an educational credential (e.g., certificate or degree) based on measured achievement of competencies rather than credit or clock hours. If ABAC seeks to offer an entire program that is direct assessment or a program in which at least 50 percent of the competency-based program is direct assessment the college must seek approval from SACSCOC at least six months in advance of the initiation of 50 percent of the educational credential based solely on measured achievement of competencies. The proposing academic unit would first complete the required screening form, which is submitted to SACSCOC by the college president. If a prospectus is required, the proposing unit would compile the prospectus in consultation with the ABAC SACSCOC Liaison and the Provost. The document would then be submitted by the college president in accordance with the required timetable: by April 8 or by September 15 for review at the subsequent SACSCOC Board of Trustees meeting.
2.13 Relocating a Main or Branch Campus
Should ABAC seek to relocate a campus, internal approvals would be required as well as external approval by the USG. Once those approvals are gained, the college president submits a prospectus to SACSCOC.
2.14 Initiating a Collaborative Academic Program with Another Institution Not Accredited by SACSCOC
Should ABAC wish to enter into such agreements, they would first be reviewed by the Provost for monitoring and compliance purposes. The agreements would also require internal approvals through the college and by the USG. Once approved, a prospectus demonstrating compliance with the SACSCOC policy "Agreements Involving Joint and Dual Academic Awards" would be prepared by the unit seeking to create the collaborative program. The prospectus would be transmitted to SACSCOC by the college president.
2.15 Entering into a Contract with an Entity Not Certified to Participate in USDOE Title IV Programs
If a partnership with such an entity includes the award of 25% or more of the program, it must receive internal review through both the Provost and the college. Once approved, a prospectus is created by the unit working with the entity. The prospectus, with a copy of the signed agreement, would then be transmitted to SACSCOC by the college president.
3.0 Procedure Two Substantive Change Guidelines
All Procedure Two Substantive Change Requires notification to SACSCOC.
3.1 Initiating an Off-Campus Site (sited-based/classroom group instruction where the instructor is present) at Which a Student May Earn at Least 25% but Less Than 50% of Credits toward a Program
ABAC action creating an off-campus site that meets these criteria requires a letter of notification to SACSCOC prior to implementation. The notification letter must include the starting date and physical address of the site. The Provost maintains responsibility for monitoring compliance with this requirement. When such occurs, the college president transmits a notification letter to SACSCOC. (Note: If only 24% or less of the credits needed for a program can be earned at the site no notification is needed.)
3.2 Moving an Approved Off-Campus Instructional Site within the Same Geographic Area to Serve Essentially the Same Pool of Students
ABAC action consistent with this requirement requires a letter of notification to SACSCOC prior to implementation. The notification letter must designate the new address and old address and the starting date. The Provost maintains responsibility for monitoring compliance with this requirement. When such occurs, the college president transmits a notification letter to SACSCOC.
3.3 For Distance Learning/Technology-based Group or Individual Instruction (instructor and students are in separate locations) Offering for the First Time Credit Courses Via Distance Learning/Technology• based Instruction by Which Students Can Obtain at least 25% but Less than 50% of their Credits Toward an Educational Program
Since ABAC already offers on-line instruction, this requirement for first time offerings is not applicable. However, the Provost is responsible for monitoring DL instruction for all programs to ensure quality and to ensure SACSCOC compliance.
3.4 Adding Programs (Approved for the Institution) that are Significantly Different from Previously Reported Programs Offered through Distance learning
This notification is required only if SO percent or more of the credits for the added program is offered via distance delivery. The Provost is responsible for monitoring ABAC's distance learning to identify the development of programs significantly different from previous DL offerings.
3.5 Initiating Program/Courses Delivered through Contractual Agreement or a Consortium
The Provost and deans are responsible for monitoring partnerships, agreements, and consortia participation to ensure compliance. Any new initiatives will be reviewed for compliance and notification. This provision does NOT apply to articulation agreements, clinical agreements, or internship agreements. Should SACSCOC need to be notified, the college president will transmit a copy of the signed agreement including the names of all institutions involved, and the starting date of the agreement.
3.6 Initiating Joint or Dual Degree Programs with Another SACSCOC-Accredited Institution
Should ABAC wish to develop a joint or dual degree program with another SACSCOC-accredited institution, the program proposal would first be reviewed by the Provost for monitoring and compliance purposes. The program would be developed in accordance with the SACSCOC policy, "Agreements Involving Joint and Dual Academic Awards." The agreement would require internal college approvals and external approval by the USG. Once approved, the college president will transmit to SACSCOC a copy of the signed agreement (prior to implementation) and contact information for each institution.
3.7 Repackaging of an Existing Approved Curriculum to Create a New Degree level
Should ABAC decide to create an academic program from within existing course offerings that leads to a different degree level not higher than currently approved, the request would be reviewed and monitored by the Provost and deans, and require internal college approvals and external approval through the USG. The college president would then transmit a notification letter to SACSCOC.
3.8 Entering into a contract with an Entity Not Certified to Participate in USDOE Title IV if the Entity Provides less Than 25% of an Educational Program Offered by the Accredited Institution
ABAC must provide SACSCOC a copy of any such agreements. The college president will provide notification and transmit a signed copy of the agreement.
4.0 Procedure Three Substantive Change Guidelines
All Procedure Three Substantive Change Requires prior approval from SACSCOC.
4.1 Closing a Program, Instructional Site, Branch Campus or an Institution: Teach-Out Plans and Teach Out Agreements
If ABAC decides to dose a program or eliminate an instructional site and/or campus the students must have a reasonable opportunity to complete their program of study, either at ABAC or at a designated institution specified within a teach-out agreement. In such cases, a written teach-out plan and/or a teach-out agreement is developed. The plan and/or agreement must be approved by SACSCOC prior to implementation. The required elements of the plan and/or agreement are outlined under substantive change guidelines on the SACSCOC web site. In such cases, the plan and/or agreement will be developed by the Provost in consultation with the president and with the senior leadership of the teach- out agreement institution where applicable. The plan will be transmitted to SACSCOC by the college president.
5.0 Other Types of Substantive Changes
5.1 Initiating a Merger/Consolidation with Another Institution
If ABAC seeks to initiate a merger or consolidation with another institution it would require internal approval through the college and the USG. In such cases, the merger or consolidation plan and/or agreement would be developed by the president and the senior leadership. Once the approvals were obtained the change would be governed by the SACSCOC Policy "Mergers, Consolidations, and Change of Ownership, Acquisitions, and Change of Governance, Control, Form, or Legal Status" and would require SACSCOC approval prior to implementation. Submission dates for this type of Substantive Change Prospectus are April 8 or September 15. The prospectus would then be transmitted to SACSCOC by the college president.
5.2 Changing Governance, Ownership, Control, Form, or Legal Status
If ABAC seeks to change governance, ownership, control, form, or legal status it would require internal approval through the college, as well as external approval by the USG, and the State of Georgia Legislature. In such cases, the proposal for change would be developed by the president and the senior leadership in cooperation with the USG. Once the approvals were obtained the change would be governed by the SACSCOC Policy "Mergers, Consolidations, and Change of Ownership, Acquisitions, and Change of Governance, Control, Form, or Legal Status" and would require SACSCOC approval prior to implementation. Submission dates for this type of Substantive Change Prospectus are April 8 or September 15. The prospectus would be transmitted to SACSCOC by the college president.
5.3 Acquiring of an Institution or Site
If ABAC seeks to acquire another institution or an additional site it would require internal approval through the college and external approval by the USG. In such cases, the proposal for change would be developed by the president and the senior leadership in cooperation with the USG. Once the approvals were obtained the change would be governed by the SACSCOC Policy "Mergers, Consolidations, and Change of Ownership, Acquisitions, and Change of Governance, Control, Form, or Legal Status" and would require SACSCOC approval prior to implementation. Submission dates for this type of Substantive Change Prospectus are April 8 or September 15. The prospectus would be transmitted to SACSCOC by the college president.
5.4 Acquiring a Program from Another Institution
If ABAC seeks to acquire a program from another institution it would require internal approval through the college as well as external approval by the USG. In such cases, the proposal for change would be developed by the president and the senior leadership in cooperation with the USG. Once the approvals were obtained the change would be governed by the SACSCOC Policy "Mergers, Consolidations, and Change of Ownership, Acquisitions, and Change of Governance, Control, Form, or Legal Status" and would require SACSCOC approval prior to implementation. The prospectus would be transmitted to SACSCOC by the college president.
5.5 Adding a Permanent Location at a Site Where the Institution is Conducting a Teach-Out for an Institution that is Closing
If ABAC seeks to add a permanent location at a site in order to conduct a teach-out program for an institution that is closing it would require internal approval through the college, as well as external approval by the USG, and perhaps the State of Georgia Legislature.
In such cases, the proposal for change would be developed by the president and the senior leadership of ABAC in cooperation with the senior leadership from the institution that is closing. Once the approvals were obtained the change would be governed by the SACSCOC Policy "Mergers, Consolidations, and Change of Ownership, Acquisitions, and Change of Governance, Control, Form, or Legal Status" and would require SACSCOC approval prior to implementation. The prospectus would be transmitted to SACSCOC by the college president.
6.0 Summary
In summary, the Provost and deans, in consultation with the ABAC SACSCOC Liaison, assumes primary responsibility for remaining abreast of substantive change policies and ensuring that Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College is fully compliant with those policies. To assist in compliance, the SACSCOC Liaison will hold a workshop each spring semester to review the most recent SACSCOC substantive change policies. The Policies and Procedures for Substantive Change will be revised as required to meet changing SACSCOC guidelines.
Revised February 2018