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ABAC -- Textbook Adoption and Orders

Individual instructors select, with the approval of the department head/dean, textbooks and any related materials for their courses. When more than one instructor is involved, joint action is required. Different textbook requirements by different instructors teaching the same course are allowed only with written permission from the Dean. Changes in textbooks must be made far enough in advance so that the bookstore manager has sufficient time for acquisition by the date needed and for reducing inventory of texts on hand. After a title is adopted, it will be used for at least one year. It is expected that the textbook will be selected in keeping with the objectives of the course and the abilities and achievement levels of the students.

Faculty are encouraged to utilize assistance from the Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) initiative. ALG is both a set of programs and strategies and a one-stop service to help USG faculty and staff identify lower-cost, electronic, free, and open educational resources (OER), building on the cost-effective subscription resources provided by GALILEO and the USG libraries.