ABAC Use of Institutional Buildings and Equipment
Use and Scheduling of College Facilities for College Functions
A calendar of scheduled events and locations is maintained online in our event management software. All events shall be posted on the calendar to avoid conflicts. Use of any building, classroom, laboratory, or outside facility (i.e., rodeo arena, tractor pull site, pavilion, etc.) shall be scheduled. In the case of a conflict, events properly placed on the calendar of events shall take precedence over those not properly scheduled. The Vice President for Finance and Operations is the final approver of all requests.
Use of Equipment by College Personnel
All equipment purchased by, given to, or otherwise acquired through the College belongs to the College and not to a particular unit of the College. Although certain items of equipment are assigned to or inventoried by individual units of the college, the administration is the responsible agent. Whenever a need arises and equipment is not in use by the unit to which it is assigned/inventoried, the equipment should be available for use by other units without cost or fee. Good judgment should be used at all times to avoid use of expensive and irreplaceable equipment by inexperienced people. Borrowed equipment shall be returned immediately after use.
Student groups borrowing equipment must obtain permission from the Instructor/Club Advisor for such use and shall be responsible for the return of borrowed equipment. Damaged or lost equipment must be replaced.
Use of equipment by non-college personnel
Ordinarily the College cannot lend property or equipment to off-campus groups. Special exception may be granted by the Vice President for Finance and Operations in certain circumstances (i.e., governmental partners).