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ABAC -- Field Trips

While field trips (to be distinguished from regularly scheduled labs) are recognized as valuable experiences, limiting the number of trips is necessary to avoid students being absent from other classes.

Faculty members who desire to take their classes on field trips must have the advanced approval of their dean. Students will be responsible for notifying their other instructors about the trip, giving the dates and hours of the trip. Therefore, the faculty member should provide information to students at the earliest possible date, but no later than six (6) class days prior to the trip. With two (2) or more weeks of advanced planning, weekend field trips may be scheduled. Students cannot be penalized for missing a field trip unless the trip is scheduled and announced on the first day of class.

Each student who participates in a field trip must complete and sign a waiver of responsibility form available from the school office. The completed form should be filed with the faculty member responsible for the field trip. The completed forms will be archived in accordance with other classroom document retention policies.