ABAC 2.7.2 -- Standing Committees
The function of a standing committee is to administer the duties assigned to each as stated below. Faculty and staff members are recommended providing appropriate representation from all campus locations for committee assignments as indicated in the committee’s description. The composition, purpose, policy, procedures and recommendations for membership of each standing committee shall be presented in writing to the President’s Cabinet for review and approval.
A Faculty Senate representative will also be responsible for working with Academic Deans and/or Department Heads of each School to populate faculty membership of standing committees each spring for the next academic year. The tenure of any individual serving on a committee which is responsible for dispersal or recommendations for dispersal of funds shall be limited to two (2) consecutive terms. Members of each committee will receive notification from the President’s Office with a copy of the duties and responsibilities of the committee to which they have been assigned.
Service on standing committees is a responsibility of faculty and staff, except that no individual shall be required to serve on any specific committee. Reasonable effort shall be made to distribute committee work among faculty and staff. Where the number of faculty/staff members is specified, this number shall be taken as a minimum and not an exact number. Individuals employed after committee assignments have been made may be assigned during the next assignment cycle.
The chair of each committee shall recommend individuals to fill committee vacancies arising during the year. They should report replacements to the President’s Executive Assistant, who maintains the registry of committee assignments. Administrators may appoint ad hoc committees to facilitate their work if no standing committee exists which can accomplish the task.
Designated chairs shall call the committees for organizational meetings within ten working days after fall term classes begin. Where no chair is designated, the first person named on the committee list shall call the organizational meeting within the time specified above. At these initial meetings, committees shall elect those officers needed for the committees’ purposes. Chairs shall orient all committee members as to the purposes and functions of the committees and shall direct that minutes of each meeting be taken and distributed as stated below.
Copies of all committee minutes and reports will be forwarded to the supervising administrator who will:
1. Review said documents and shall have the authority to remand back to the originating committee for further study or clarification.
2. Determine the need for approval and/or action by the President’s Cabinet.
a. If the supervising administrator determines that approval and/or action is required by the President’s Cabinet, the supervising administrator shall place the item on the agenda for the President’ Cabinet. Upon action by the President’s Cabinet the supervising administrator shall follow the steps detailed in items “b” and “c” below.
b. If the supervising administrator determines that approval and/or action by the President’s Cabinet is not needed, the supervising administrator shall forward a copy of the minutes or the report to the Director of Institutional Effectiveness with written indication of the date of approval. The Director of Institutional Effectiveness shall:
i. Retain a copy of the minutes or report in the file, and
ii. Provide a copy to the appropriate person for posting on a secure website.
c. The administrator through whom the committee responds and the chair of the committee will determine any further extent of circulation of the minutes as well as whether an abstract of action is sufficient to inform the faculty and staff.
Information related to the holding of meetings and recording of proceedings of meetings of councils and committees (such as accounts of proceedings, reports of actions taken in such meetings, agendas, copies of reports, exhibits, announcements, etc.) are permanent records of the College.
Prior to the end of each spring term, the chairs of the various standing committees will prepare an annual report and will submit this report to the supervising administrator and the Director of Institutional Effectiveness. It shall be the responsibility of the supervising administrator to ensure that the annual report is prepared and forwarded to IE.
Academic Review Committee (Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs)
The Academic Review Committee (ARC) hears and acts on appeals from students who are appealing academic suspension. It will consist of six members as follows: the Registrar, who will serve as chair, the Faculty Liaison - Bainbridge, and four faculty members chosen from the four schools. One of the faculty members will be a school dean. The four faculty members will be appointed for two-year terms on alternating years. The Director of Academic Support will serve as a non-voting member. The committee will meet each semester and as needed.
Students may appeal a decision by the ARC within ten (10) working days of receiving notification of the decision by the ARC. The appeal shall be in writing to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall rule on the appeal and notify the student in writing within ten (10) working days of receiving the appeal.
Students may appeal a decision by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The appeal shall be in writing to the President within ten working days of receiving a decision by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The President may take action or remand the case to ABAC’s Final Institutional Review Committee (See ABAC 8.6 for details) for advice and counsel. The President’s decision is the final institutional decision.
The ARC also hears grade appeals when the appeal is not resolved at the school level. In the case of grade appeals, members of the ARC shall recuse themselves from cases arising from their school. The student must provide a written appeal to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs within ten (10) working days from the date of the school department head/dean’s response. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will take the appeal to the Academic Review Committee, where further hearings may be conducted. Should this procedure fail to resolve the appeal, the student must provide a written appeal to the President within ten (10) working days of the Provost’s response. The judgment of the President will be considered the final and binding decision on the matter.
Clery Committee (President)
The Clery Committee is responsible for procedures and practices to ensure compliance with Clery Act and related Board of Regents policies. The committee shall consist of the College’s Police Chief (appointed by the President), who will serve as chair; the Dean of Students; and the Director of Residence Life.
Curriculum Committee (Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs)
The Curriculum Committee (CC) reviews and provides recommendations on changes to existing courses, proposals for new courses, changes to existing programs, proposals for new programs, adjustments in credit hours for courses, and academic standards, including requirements for graduation.
Upon request from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the CC may be asked to provide advice and counsel on other academic matters.
The committee will meet as needed. Actions taken by the CC are advisory to the President and shall be reported in writing to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, who shall make recommendations to the Cabinet regarding actions taken by the CC.
The CC will be composed of the following voting members:
1. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (as committee chair),
2. Deans of the four schools,
3. Director of Admissions,
4. Registrar,
5. Director of Libraries,
6. Seven faculty members: one faculty member from each school appointed by the Faculty Senate and three at-large members to be selected by consensus of the PVPAA and the deans to assure representation across instructional sites. Appointments are for two- year terms in alternating years so that some members are serving a second year at all times,
7. Two students to be appointed by the President of the SGA.
The CC will be composed of the following non-voting members:
1. Director of Academic Support
2. Director of Assessment/SACSCOC Liaison
3. OITS representative
The Curriculum Committee has purview with respect to individual course prefixes, numbers, titles, credit hours, and prescribed lecture and laboratory hours; the arrangement of specific courses within a certificate or degree program; the titles of certificates, degree programs, and the names of degrees; the addition or deletion of options within degree programs as well as the certificates and degree programs themselves; and any other matters related to academic coursework and degree programs. The only elements not requiring Curriculum Committee action are the wording of the course descriptions for the Catalog, and the frequency with which courses are offered.
Items presented to the CC for action shall arise from the curriculum committees of the four schools and will be submitted to the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at least four weeks prior to the CC meeting in order to be included on the CC agenda.
Proposals submitted to the CC to add new courses shall be accompanied with a completed New Course Proposal Form (available from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs), which shall be signed by the Dean of the requesting school(s). The deadline for submitting new course proposals shall be at least four weeks prior to the CC meeting.
Because programs have implications for budget, facilities, staffing, and other resources, and because programs are controlled by the University System of Georgia, the dean of a school proposing a new program shall submit to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs a completed New Program Prospectus (available from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs) prior to submitting the proposal to the CC. The New Program Prospectus shall be presented to the Provost and Vice President for Academic at least 30 days prior to the CC meeting.
The USG controls the Core Curriculum, certificates, degrees, degree titles, and programs.
Grievance Committee (President)
In the case of unresolvable grievance by one ABAC employee against another ABAC employee and upon notification in writing by the aggrieved employee to the Director of Human Resources, the President shall engage in a process involving the parties to name members of a Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee shall consist of no fewer than five (5) members, including the chairman, and is populated on an as needed basis. The primary purpose of the Grievance Committee is to hear evidence, attempt to resolve conflict between/among the parties, and/or advise and counsel the Director of Human Resources as to possible resolution. In a case where the Director of Human Resources is party to the grievance, the Vice President for Finance and Operations shall receive advice and counsel from the Grievance Committee. In a case where the Vice President for Finance and Operations is party to the grievance, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall receive advice and counsel from the Grievance Committee.
Employees cannot file grievance with respect to:
· promotion and tenure decisions,
· performance evaluations,
· hiring decisions,
· classification appeals,
· challenges to grades or assessments,
· challenges to salary decisions,
· challenges to transfers or reassignments,
· termination or layoff because of lack of work or elimination of position,
· investigations or decisions reached under the institution’s Harassment Policy, or
· normal supervisory counseling.
Homeland Security Committee (President)
In compliance with the Federal USA Patriot Act, the Homeland Security Committee (HSC) serves to oversee the safety and security of the College. It encompasses all areas of the campus, which include Legal Affairs, Academic Affairs, Information Technology, Environmental Safety, Public Safety, Human Resources, and Student Affairs. Standing membership of the HSC includes: the ABAC Chief of Police (Chair), the Vice President for Finance and Operations, the Vice President for Technology and CIO, the Director of Marketing and Communications, the Dean of the School of Ag and Natural Resources, the Director of the ABAC Health Clinic, SODEXO’s Director of Operations, the Dean of Students, the Director of Student Services – Bainbridge campus, and the Director of Housing. The committee will meet at least once per academic year and as needed.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs)
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and has broad regulatory and advisory authority with respect to proper care of animals used for research and teaching. The PVPAA will also appoint the Chair. The IUCUC is charged with developing guidelines that ensure faculty, staff, and students comply with federal and state guidelines and generally accepted best practices concerning the use of animals in research and teaching. The IACUC will consist of:
1. One faculty member from each of the four schools,
2. One internal member at-large (faculty or staff), and
3. Two external members at-large (one should be a veterinarian).
Institutional Effectiveness (Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs)
The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) will provide guidance to the processes that are part of the College’s Institutional Effectiveness Plan including planning, assessment, and data analysis and interpretation. In addition, the committee will provide implementation assistance as new approaches are taken or changes are made to existing processes which need to be implemented campus wide. The IEC shall be composed of the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs (Chair), one faculty member from each of the academic schools, a representative of the Staff Forum, a representative from the Student Government Association, a representative from Finance and Operations, a representative from Academic Affairs, a representative from Technology, and a representative from External Affairs. Members will serve a two-year appointment. The committee will meet a minimum of once per term for fall and spring and as needed. During active periods of the accreditation cycle membership of this committee may be expanded.
Institutional Review Board (Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs)
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is appointed by the Provost and is responsible for the protection of human subjects in research, regardless of the funding source. The IRB will be Chaired by an employee appointed by the Provost. The Board shall: 1) have at least five members, with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of research activities commonly conducted by the institution. The IRB shall be sufficiently qualified through the experience and expertise of its members (professional competence), and the diversity of its members, including race, gender, and cultural backgrounds and sensitivity to such issues as community attitudes, to promote respect for its advice and counsel in safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects. The IRB shall be able to ascertain the acceptability of proposed research in terms of institutional commitments (including policies and resources) and regulations, applicable law, and standards of professional conduct and practice. The IRB shall therefore include persons knowledgeable in these areas. If an IRB regularly reviews research that involves a category of subjects that is vulnerable to coercion or undue influence, such as children, prisoners, individuals with impaired decision-making capacity, or economically or educationally disadvantaged persons, consideration shall be given to the inclusion of one or more individuals who are knowledgeable about and experienced in working with these categories of subjects; 2) have at least one member whose primary concerns are in scientific areas and at least one member whose primary concerns are in nonscientific areas; 3) have at least one member who is not otherwise affiliated with the institution and who is not part of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution; 4) not allow any member to participate in the initial or continuing review of any project in which the member has a conflicting interest, except to provide information requested by the IRB. An IRB may, in its discretion, invite individuals with competence in special areas to assist in the review of issues that require expertise beyond or in addition to that available on the IRB. These individuals may not vote with the IRB. Membership will be reviewed by the Chair and Provost annually.
See: 45cfr46.107, membership. Available:
Intellectual Property (Vice President for Finance and Operations)
The composition and duties of the ABAC Intellectual Property Committee can be found in ABAC Policy Section 6.3.
Library (Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs)
This committee provides liaison between the faculty, staff, and students and the Library. The committee also makes recommendations concerning the Library's collections, acquisitions, and operations. The committee will consist of a faculty representative from each school, a representative from Finance and Operations, and three students (two from the Tifton campus and one from the Bainbridge campus). The Director of Libraries and a Bainbridge campus librarian will serve as non-voting members of the committee. A committee chair will be elected at the first meeting. The committee will meet once per semester, and as needed.
Minors on Campus Committee (Vice President for Finance and Operations)
Pursuant to USG Policy 6.9 the President establishes an ABAC Standing Committee to be called the “Minors on Campus Committee”, which shall be responsible for developing and implementing procedures and practice relative to the operation of programs that include minors, that is individuals less than 18 years of age. The Committee, consisting of the Director of Human Resources, the Assistant VP of Student Affairs, and three individuals to be named by the President, will be chaired by the Director of Human Resources. Policy and practice prescribed by the Committee shall apply to all units of the College, shall be subject to approval by the President’s Cabinet, and shall be administered by the Director of Human Resources.
Promotion and Tenure (Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs)
The College Promotion and Tenure committee will provide recommendation to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for or against tenure and/or promotion and provide reasons for such decisions. This committee, to be formed each year in August, will consist of seven tenured faculty, preferably at the professor rank. One faculty member will be selected from each school with the selection process the responsibility of the respective dean. Three at-large members will be selected by consensus of the PVPAA and the deans to assure representation across instructional sites. Faculty members who are eligible for a promotion or tenure decision will be ineligible to serve on this committee for that year. The school deans are ineligible to serve on this committee. Deans shall report the name of the school representative to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs by September 1 of each academic year. The at-large members will then be selected before September 15. Schools must replace during the year any member who cannot complete the year of service.
The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will call the first meeting to charge the committee. At this meeting, the committee shall elect a chair, who shall have the right to vote.
After selecting a chair, the first order of business of the committee will be to set meetings on a schedule that will allow it to make timely recommendations regarding all promotion and tenure decisions at the College for that academic year. The Promotion and Tenure Committee shall conduct its business in accordance with The Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion and Tenure.
Student Activity Fee Committee (Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs)
The composition and responsibilities of the Student Activity Fee Committee are provided in ABAC Section on Student Fees.
Student Conduct Committee (Assistant VP for Student Affairs)
The Student Conduct Committee will serve as a pool from which to seat a jury to hear cases of alleged student misconduct when the accused elects to have his/her case heard by a jury rather than by the Dean of Students. The pool of faculty, staff, and students will consist of members approximately proportional in makeup to the student bodies in all campus locations and shall be named by the Assistant VP for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, subject to approval by the VP for Student Affairs, prior to the start of each fall semester.
The Assistant VP for Student Affairs/Dean of Students shall be responsible for determining the size of the pool and for the training of members of the pool. Committees for non-sexual misconduct cases may be made of faculty, staff and students. Committees for sexual misconduct cases are heard by a committee of faculty and staff only.
Student Fee Committee (Vice President for Finance and Operations)
The composition and responsibilities of the Student Fee Committee are provided in ABAC Section on Student Fees.
Student Financial Aid Appeals (Vice President for Finance and Operations)
The Student Financial Aid Appeals will act as a review/appeal body when requested by the Director of Financial Aid. This committee shall be composed of the financial aid officer(s), the Vice President for Finance and Operations (or his/her designee), the Director of Student Accounts, two faculty members to be appointed by the Faculty Senate, and two staff members to be appointed by the Vice President for Finance and Operations. The committee shall be chaired by the Director of Student Accounts. Meetings will be on an as-needed basis to be determined by the Director of Financial Aid.